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Class Agenda for January 12-16
Sharing this week: D as in day or dad
Monday January 12: Grade 1: Fast Start Books go home today. Sharing today: Brayden, Holden Other |
Tuesday January 13: Sharing today: Justin, West
Other |
Wednesday January 14: Kindergarten A Day Scholastic Seesaw book Orders due Sharing today:Amy, Makenzie Hot Dog Day: $1.00/hot dog
Thursday January 15: Sharing today: Abbey, Nathan Other Pizza day $1.50/slice
Friday January 16: Kindergarten A Day Kindergarten Students come to school today Sharing today: Ede, Alexis Shared Reading Books go home Other |
Our Agenda for the week of December 15-19
I’m sorry. The agenda I sent home yesterday did not include all the activities we are doing this busy week before Christmas. I forgot to mention on it that we will be decorating gingerbread house style Christmas trees (from sugar cones) with our learning buddies in Mrs. Warren’s Class. Please have your child bring in some candies for decorations like:liquorice, smarties, lifesavers, chocolate chips, Hershey’s Kisses, Teddy Grahams, Sour Candies, Christmas Candies, or gummy candies (No sprinkles please). We will share all the candies the children bring in so everyone will have a nice variety for decorating their tree.
Mr. McGaughey’s Class Bayview P.S.
Kindergarten- Grade 1 Agenda
Week of: December 15-19
Please return this section to school daily so we can add notes to it during the week. No Sharing this Week.
Our class webpage is now at
Monday December 15:
Grade 1: Fast Start Books go home today.
Tuesday December 16:
Wednesday December 17: Kindergarten A Day
Hot Dog Day: $1.00/hot dog
Movie Afternoon:
Kindergarten: The Snowman, in Mrs. Dudley’s Room
Grade 1-3: The Grinch Who Stole Christmas in the Gym
We have been reading different versions of the story books in our classroom and we will be comparing the story in the books to the story in the movie.
Thursday December 18:
Pizza day $1.50/slice
Friday December 19 Kindergarten A Day
Kindergarten Students come to school today
Carol singing in the gym 10-10:30
Shared Reading Books go home
On Friday December 19, we are decorating gingerbread-house-style Christmas trees with our learning buddies in Mrs. Warren’s class.
Mrs. Warren and I will be providing the sugar cones and icing.
Please have your child bring in some candies for decorations like: liquorice, smarties, lifesavers, chocolate chips, Hershey’s Kisses, Teddy Grahams, Sour Candies, Christmas Candies, or gummy candies (No sprinkles please). We will share all the candies the children bring in so everyone will have a nice variety for decorating their tree.
We will can share special snacks and healthy treats and lunchtime and during our afternoon activity time if your child wishes to bring some.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Have a wonderful Holiday.
School Begins again on Monday January 5, 2009.
Snowmen everywhere
This week we have been making snowmen, both out of snow and from paper.
Abbey: This is Blueman, my snowman I made.
Riley B.:
Riley W.: My art is cool because it is Frosty. My art is cool.:
Max: I like building snowmen. It is fun.
West: This is my basher. He is flat because he bashes.
Taylor: I like my snow princess. She is walking in her pyjamas.
Nathan: My Snowman. I made my snowman. I like it.
Justin: I had fun making a snowman.
Maya: I like my snowman. I put decorations on it. It was fun making snowmen.
Curtis: My snowman is standing and my snowman is walking.
Morgan: I made a snow-man in paper. Paper is fun to play with.
Abbey: I like my snowman.
Our Snowmen in the Courtyard:
Riley W. This is me and West’s snowman
Our Snowmen in the Courtyard:
Nathan: The snowman was a good snowman.
Justin: I had fun making snowmen.
Nathan: The Snowman is fun to play with.
Maya: It’s fun making snowmen.
Our Snowmen in the Courtyard:
Our Snowmen in the Courtyard:
Morgan: I like making snowmen. It is fun to make snowmen.
What we do during morning literacy block.
(Modeled Writing by Mr. McGaughey with help from the class).
Hang up backpack.
Bring in mailbag and put it in the bucket.
Put the chairs out.
Sign in.
Get a book from the reading basket.
Teacher reads with one student and checks mail bags while class reads.
Mr. McGaughey takes attendance and says who the helpers are.
The office helpers take attendance to the office.
3 or 4 people share what they have read.
Word Wall Activities
Calendar Activities at the carpet.
Modeled or Shared reading or writing
Mr. McGaughey takes a small group for guided reading or writing.
The rest of the class has independent writing or reading work.
We share what we did.
We sing O Canada and listen to the announcements
Snack time
World Harmony Run
Last Thursday some visitors from the World Harmony Run came to our school. Students from our cross-country team ran with them and we cheered. Afterwards we ran a lap around the schoolyard and we posed for a picture with the World Harmony Run Torch.
After the run, we wrote a thank you letter on their web page.Dear World Harmony Runners:
Thank you for coming to Bayview Public School in Midland. We liked your flags. We love what you are doing. We want to live in harmony too. We wish we were just like you. How far have you run?
Yours truly,
Mr. McGaughey’s Grade 1 Students.
The runners also wrote a story about their visit to bayview on the World Harmony Run Canada website.
September Newsletter
845 Ottawa St., Midland, ON, L4R 1C9,
September News: Mr. McGaughey’s Class- Kindergarten-Grade 1
I am Mr. McGaughey and I will be your child’s teacher this year. Some of my interests include computers and music. I look forward to meeting you all. If you have any concerns and would like to phone or meet with me, I can be reached at the school at 526-4208.
We have Kindergarten and Grade 1 students in our class.
The Kindergartens come to school Monday, Wednesday and Every other Friday. The grade 1 students come every day.
1) Daily agenda and homework sheets.
The grade 1 agendas have been ordered. They should be here in about 2 weeks.
• The Kindergarten students will be bringing home a printed weekly timetable every day, which contains their homework, upcoming assignments, and important notices. Feel free to use the back of this sheet to communicate with me. I check the agendas every morning.
• During the week each child has a Shared Reading folder which contains songs and poems that we read and sing in class. Your child will bring their Shared reading folder home every weekend to share with you.
• The Kindergartens have a take home reading program where they will be bringing books to read at home beginning at the end of September.
• The Grade 1’s have a Fast Start poetry book which will go home Monday and return to school on Friday.
• There will be a few math and spelling assignments for homework from time to time, and I will mark on your child’s agenda if they need to finish up some of the day’s work.
2) We have 3 main Class rules posted in our room.
Rules for Our Class
1. We respect teachers, other students and their property.
2. We keep our hands, feet and objects to ourselves.
3. We follow teacher directions the first time.
1. Time out in the classroom.
2. Loss of recess or privileges
3. A note or phone call home.
3) Important days to remember in our class.
Monday: Kindergarten students at school, Library,
Songbooks back to school, Fast Start Books go home
Tuesday: Gym
Wednesday: Gym, Kindergarten students at school
Friday: Kindergarten students at school, Fast Start books back to school, Songbooks go home.
4) Scholastic Book Orders: Ordering books for your child through Scholastic Book Clubs is a great way to encourage a love of reading, and it also helps to provide extra resources for the classroom. I will be sending out Scholastic order forms in the first week of each month, and they will be due back to school about a week later. The September Scholastic Book order will be due Wednesday September 17.
5) Share and Show
Your child will get the opportunity to share in front of the class once every two weeks. To begin with, I will be sending home a “All about Me Box”. When your child brings home the Me Box, help them to choose 3 or 4 small items or pictures that tell a bit about themselves to put into the box. Then help your child write a brief description about the things they chose in the Me Box Journal. Be sure to send it back the following day, so that we can pass it on to the next child on the list.
Share and Show Schedule
Starting in mid-October, each student will have a weekly opportunity to share one story or item that begins or ends with a certain sound. Ie: a… as in apple or ape. Check on the attached calendar to see your child’s scheduled day.
October 6-17 f… as in finger or leaf
October 20 – 31 s… as in seven or bus
November 3-14 m… as in monster or alarm
November 17- 27 b… as in bacon or club
December 1 -12 t… as in table or light
December 15-19 No Share and show this week
I’m looking forward to a great year teaching your child in Grade 1.
Thank you,
Mr. S. McGaughey
Mr. McGaughey’s Class Webpage
Check our website regularly for news, information and examples of student work.
Welcome to Mr. McGaughey’s Kindergarten and Grade 1 Class
This year in my class I have 10 Grade 1 students every day and seven Kindergarten students who come to school on Monday, Wednesday and alternate Fridays. Here is a poem we wrote of what we like and self portraits of each of the students.
Mr. McGaughey’s Class likes…
Mr. MacDonald likes mocha java.
Mr. McGaughey likes music.
Riley likes red.
Maya likes mice.
West likes white.
Morgan likes Maya.
Abbey likes alligators.
Curtis likes candy.
Taylor likes teachers.
Nathan likes a net.
Justin likes jack-o-lanterns.
Max likes Mom.
Holden likes horses.
Ede likes everything.
Brayden likes balls.
Riley likes race cars.
Makenzie likes moths.
Alexis likes apples.
Amy likes ants.
Our Class likes Everything!
September 15: I’m so sorry. I forgot to put Amy’s name on the poem at first. It’s there now.
Rounds Ranch Pictures
On Friday we went to Rounds Ranch. We made a recording about our trip. You can listen to it here (9 min– each child tells the highlights of the trip).
Here are some pictures of our trip.
Ted Harrison Artwork
We made pictures in the style of Ted Harrision. He is a famous painter. You can see his paintings at Here is a picture of him and one of his paintings.
His style is very unique. He uses lots of squiggly lines on his paintings. His paintings show things he has done before like sailing and living in the Artic. Here are our pictures.