Dates to Remember

Sharing Theme next week: May 9-13 br as in broom

Spelling This Week:

  • Canadian Spelling (Green): Unit 28: Consonant Sound s: page 133, 134:
    elephant, rabbit, nice, place, bunny, lion, all, ball, rice, down, bear
  • Practise Your Spelling (Blue) Unit 17: ea words: clean dream mean leaf
    lean bread bean head cream dead

Mr. McGaughey`s Students of the Month for April are: Trevor, William and
Alexander H.

May 3: Bicycle Safety presentations in gym (9:00)

May 4: 1:30 pm Poetry Presentations in gym. Chelsey, Alijah, Benjamin,
Jamie and Abby will be presenting for our class

May 6: 9:00: Assembly in Gym. Our class will be singing All God`s
Creatures have a Place in the Choir

Wednesday May 11: Field Trip to Metro Toronto Zoo: Please Return
Permission forms ASAP

Thursday May 12: Spring Picture Day.

*Keep practicing telling time and counting coins.

Name That Foal

The RCMP has a contest for children to name their 6 new foals at their
breeding farm in Pakenham, ON. Some of these foals may be the Musical
Ride when they grow up.

Details of the contest can be found at

Here are some of the requirements from the Website.

In order to qualify, entries must meet
the following criteria:

1) Submit only one name per envelope.

2) Names must begin with the letter “C”
and cannot be any longer than 6 letters.

3) Entries must be accompanied by the
youngster’s name, age, address and telephone number, and the suggested
name on a piece of paper. Entrants are encouraged to explain why they
chose their suggested name and what the name means.

4) Entries must come from a youngster
who is 14 years old or younger.

5) Mail your entry to:

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Musical Ride Branch

c/o RCMP Name the Foal Contest

PO Box 8900, Ottawa, Ontario

K1G 3J2, Canada

Entries are also accepted on the
Internet at:

. Please note that the criteria listed above applies to electronic
submissions as well.

6) For school entries, please write
“school entry” on the box or envelope.

7) Entries must be received (or
post-marked) no later than July 4, 2005.

The winning entries will receive the
same Stetson that members of the Musical Ride wear, a framed photo of
the foal they named, an RCMP certificate signed by the Commissioner as
well as various other prizes.

Winners will be announced on July 29,
2005, and their names will be posted on the RCMP website. Winning names
will be chosen by staff of the RCMP Musical Ride Branch.

For more information on the contest,
please contact:

Lynne Bidal

Musical Ride Branch

(613) 998-0754

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Dates to Remember:

Remember to bring in your completed at-home reading logs. Starting this week, students who have not completed any at-home reading may need to stay in at recess for reading practice.

Skating: January 11, 18,25, February 1

Share and Show: Starting this week, each child will have a weekly opportunity to share something beginning with a certain sound.There will be a reminder in the agenda about with your child’s sharing day.

The theme this week (January 3-7) is m… as in monster or alarm.

On short weeks, we will combine Monday and Tuesday groups if there is no school on Monday and Thursday and Friday Groups if there is no school on Friday.

Monday: Chelsey, Jessa, Andrei, William
Tuesday: Abby, Jamie, Samantha H., Nickolas, Mikayla
Wednesday: Bailey, Trevor, Alijah, Kurt . Alexander H
Thursday: Liam, Madison, Matthew, Ketura, Brennan
Friday: Alex W., Breanna, Ben, Samantha B.

• Starting next Monday, we will have weekly spelling tests, and your child will be working with a grade 2 spelling textbook. On Tuesdays, your child will copy their spelling list to bring home to practice. During the week he/or she will complete assignments in class using their words, and the test will be on the following Monday, so they can practice on the weekend.

January 10: Spelling Test Unit 1

Holiday Fun

We had a lot of fun on the holidays. First thing Christmas morning, Alexander found a Terrain Twister under the tree. Chelsey went skiing at Blue Mountain. Nickolas went snow tubing at Snow Valley. Those hills are super fast! Brennan went snowboarding on his brother’s snowboard and he did a trick.

Breanna and her family had fun at Niagara Falls. Ketura had fun with her cousins.

Everybody had fun on the holidays but Mr. McGaughey says we have to get back to HARD work this week!

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