Sharing Theme next week: May 9-13 br as in broom
Spelling This Week:
Canadian Spelling (Green): Unit 28: Consonant Sound s: page 133, 134:
elephant, rabbit, nice, place, bunny, lion, all, ball, rice, down, bear
Practise Your Spelling (Blue) Unit 17: ea words: clean dream mean leaf
lean bread bean head cream dead
Mr. McGaughey`s Students of the Month for April are: Trevor, William and
Alexander H.
May 3: Bicycle Safety presentations in gym (9:00)
May 4: 1:30 pm Poetry Presentations in gym. Chelsey, Alijah, Benjamin,
Jamie and Abby will be presenting for our class
May 6: 9:00: Assembly in Gym. Our class will be singing All God`s
Creatures have a Place in the Choir
Wednesday May 11: Field Trip to Metro Toronto Zoo: Please Return
Permission forms ASAP
Thursday May 12: Spring Picture Day.
*Keep practicing telling time and counting coins.