Coming up this week

Coming Up in Grade 4 January 13-20

Mr. McGaughey’s Grade 4 Class Parkview School

Please visit our new class website regularly at

New on the Website: How to make a towel print, The Twelve Days of
Christmas Rewritten, Book Fair Posters.

Reminder: January 17: 6:30 pm- Parkview School: EFSL Information
Meeting. EFSL Registration will be January 20-25 in the school office.

January 19: Scholastic Arrow book orders due.

Language Arts: Daily reading and Writing.

Speeches: Your children will be working on their speeches in class for
the next two weeks. They may sometimes bring speech home to practice.
Presentations in our class will be on the week of January 31- February
3. The school presentation will be on the following week.

Math: Chapter 5: Linear Measurement and perimeter, using mm, cm, dm, m
and km.

Science: Continuing investigations and experiments with the properties
of sound and light.

Phys-Ed.: Continue pre-volleyball skills unit.