How To Play Dr. Dodgeball
An Instruction Sheet For How To Play Dr. Dodgeball
To: Mr. McGaughey
From: Tommy
I am making this instruction and rule sheet because when ever we ask to
play Dr. Dodgeball you say” I don’t know how to play it”.
To setup Dr. Dodgeball you make two even or almost even teams. Then the
teams make a huddle to choose a doctor and a nurse.*The doctor doesn’t
have to be a boy and the nurse doesn’t have to be a girl. One person
from each team will come and tell you who is the doctor and nurse. You
can use as many dogdeballs as you want, but the minimum should be two.
To play Dr. Dodgeball you throw in the balls and start. If someone gets
hit below the head it counts. If someone gets hit they sit cross-legged.
The doctor or the nurse can rescue them by touching them. If the nurse
gets hit only the doctor can rescue them. If the doctor gets hit the
opposite team wins.
1. The doctor doesn’t have to be a boy and
the nurse doesn’t have to be a girl.
2. If someone blocks a ball with another ball
they drop their ball and sit cross-legged. 3. People can’t drag
sitting people to their doctor just to keep them safe
3. HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!