Tomorrow is the Gifted Outreach Conference at Lakehead University 500 University Avenue in Orillia. We will need to leave the school at 9:00 am shortly after the buses arrive so that we can be in Orillia in time for the 10 am start of the conference. Please come into the classroom as soon as you arrive at school. Remember to bring your lunch. We will be returning to the school between 3:50 and 4 pm., so you will need to make arrangements to be picked up from the school.
There is also a Boys soccer game after school at Huronia Centennial School in Elmvale. Mrs. Kilby will drive the 4 boys on the soccer team from Orillia to the game in Elmvale. You will need to make arrangements to be picked up after the game.
The Gifted Outreach conference is hosted by the Faculty of Education students from Nipissing University and it should be a great day of creative learning activities.