Sharing this week a… as in apple or ape:
Monday February 11
Song Books Back to School Today
Gym Today
Sharing Today: Jake, Jefferson
Tuesday February 12
Sharing Today: Meagan, Michael
Fast Start Poetry Books go home today.
Wednesday February 13
Sharing Today: Nicholas, Rachel
Thursday February 14:
Valentine’s Day: We will be sharing valentines and you may bring a snack
to share with the class if you would like.
Pizza Day: $1.50
Friday February 15
Sharing Today: Sierra, Sillis
Fast Start Poetry books back to school
Song Books go home to be returned on Monday
No School on Monday February 18: Family Day
Sharing on Tuesday February 19: e… as in eat or elf: Abbie, Brittney
Skating Field Trips are on: February 22, 29 and March 7: 9am-10:45 am:
Cost $9 for 3 sessions. Please return Permission forms as soon as
People in our Class (For Valentines): Casey, Hayley, Sillis, Brooke,
Jaida, Cayden, Elliot, Meagan, Brittney, Daniella, Sierra, Abbie,
Rachel, Nicholas, Hannah, Michael, Jefferson, Jake, Mrs. Newton, Mrs.
Mallows, Mrs. Jones, Mr. MacDonald, Mr. McClelland, Mr. McGaughey