December 5-9 in the Gifted Class

December is well upon us and everyone is getting excited for the start of winter and the holiday season.

Monday was the due date of our points project.  I will return the marked projects by next Monday at the latest.

Monday we had our math tests for the patterning and algebra unit.  If you still have not completed all assigned tasks, please complete them by Friday.

We are beginning a new math unit this week on numeration.  The grade 5s and 6s will be working with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers.

The grade 7s and 8s will be working with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions and decimals.

We have begun a seasonal novel study.

My Juniors are reading, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson, and I am reading them The Legend of Holly Claus.

The Intermediates are reading the original version of Charles Dicken’s, A Christmas Carol, and comparing it to adaptations in films, television, radio and video games through the last 150 years.

Upcoming Events:

Friday December 9:  Winter Sports Spirit Day:  Come dressed in clothing representing a winter sport.

Tuesday December 13:  Lockdown Practice.  A note is going home on December 7 explaining this.

Tuesday December 13:  Our class and Mrs. Jaiko’s Class are having a hot dog lunch for winning Trumpour’s Trivia in November.

Wednesday December 14:  Mr. McGaughey and the Grade 5’s and 6’s are going to the Junior Math Road Rally at Codrington School. A note is going home on December 7 explaining this.